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Why Premium Tequila

Maximize short-term gains with cask tequila investments

At GORDON, we give our clients a competitive market edge by continuously analyzing spirit markets to uncover tailored opportunities. Our research shows that adding tequila to portfolios delivers short-term, high-yield returns, compared to whiskey’s longer-term, moderate gains.

With global demand for premium tequila skyrocketing and distilleries struggling to keep up, investing in bulk premium cask tequila offers a lucrative opportunity. Clients can age blanco (0-2 months) into coveted extra-añejo (3 years) and resell to tequila brands, positioning themselves at the forefront of the booming tequila market.

● Expected Net Annualized ROI: 15+%
● Unit Price: ∼$2,500 per cask
● Investment Term: 1-3 years

Market drivers

Growth and premiumization

In the past decade, spirits giants like Pernod Ricard, Diageo, and Bacardi have invested billions in acquiring tequila distilleries, highlighting its explosive potential.

Demand has surged from $2.1 billion in 2014 to $16.5 billion in 2023, projected to reach $42.5 billion by 2032, with the fastest growth globally driven by premium-and-above categories.

Celebrity endorsements from Kendall Jenner, Dwayne Johnson, and George Clooney are also boosting tequila’s premium status.

Demand for tequila is set to soar from $16.5 billion in 2023 to $42.5 billion by 2032.

Patron tequila was acquired by Barcardi in 2018 for $5.1 billion.

Super-premium tequilas are fueling growth, commanding 40% of volume and 55% of value by 2026.

George Clooney founded tequila brand Casamigos in 2013 and sold it to Diageo in 2017 for $1 billion.

Digital platform

Private Whiskey Client Platform

We’re at the forefront of the whiskey investment market, bringing in a clear and simple approach with our cutting-edge investment platform.

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Valuable Insights from Our Expert Template

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